A Veteran's Day Program was held at the Platte Geddes Schools to honor our Veterans. Thank you to the junior class, the high school band, the honors choir students, our high school choir, and to Mr. Corey Rabenberg for an outstanding program. Thank you to the junior high students for the home baked goodies given to each Veteran in attendance.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
A pep rally/send off is planned for today starting at 1:30 on the east side of the high school. The community is encouraged to attend to help line the street from the high school to the elementary along 4th street. Bring along noise makers and signs. The bus will depart from the elementary at 2:30 and drive through Geddes Main St. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:30 and will be broadcasted on SDPBTV. The game will be played at the Lyric Theatre.
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
A "Good News Call" today went out to Cade Block. Cade was observed in the lunchroom showing extreme kindness to a younger child. A small girl was unable to get the lunchroom doors open to go outside for recess. Cade noticed her struggle and quietly got up from his lunch table and opened the door for the child. It was a heavy door for a small child and due to a strong wind, she would not have been able to open the door without his assistance. Thank you, Cade for noticing a child that needed help and for kindly assisting her without drawing any attention to yourself. Thank you for modeling The Panther Way expectation of KINDNESS to our young students!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Change in School Calendar: There will be no school on Thursday, November 18, or Friday, November 19 due to state volleyball. A couple of other reminders, there will be no school on Friday, November 12 due to state football. K-5 elementary students will not have school on Tuesday, November 16 due to the Region 5 Music Festival being held in the elementary building.
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
ATTENTION: Change in School Calendar There will no be school on Friday, November 12.
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Zoom link to tonight's Platte-Geddes School Board November Meeting: Joel Bailey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Platte-Geddes School Board November Board Meeting Time: Nov 8, 2021 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://sdk12.zoom.us/j/98075918671?pwd=cDROQ2Q2UWtrN0cydGViK1F4ZWs0QT09 Meeting ID: 980 7591 8671 Passcode: 983099 One tap mobile +16699006833,,98075918671#,,,,*983099# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,98075918671#,,,,*983099# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 980 7591 8671 Passcode: 983099 Find your local number: https://sdk12.zoom.us/u/acag86lLoL
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Veterans Day Program Information: The Platte-Geddes School District will be hosting a Veterans Day Program at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, November 11. The program will be held in the elementary gym. Everyone is welcome to attend.
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
NDS Celebration .....
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
ice cream
ice cream
fun fun
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
National Distinguished School "Ice Cream" Celebration!!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
We had our National Distinguished School Celebration on Friday, November 5. SD Secretary of Education, Tiffany Sanderson told our students that we are consistently in the top 5% of SD elementary schools, or top 16 out of 320 schools. She told us that this year we were in the top 2 out of 320 schools! Our students walked the red carpet, stated their positive affirmations, and listened to submitted videos. The event ended with a pep rally for our football team.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Program for NDS
NDS Program
NDS Program
Link to SD State Football Ticket Information: https://www.platte-geddes.k12.sd.us/article/580071
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
The fan bus is not full, but will be making the trip to Timber Lake tomorrow. Sponsors have donated funds to ensure those that want to ride the fan bus get to attend the game. If you are interested in riding the bus, contact high school secretary, Kay Hubers, at 605-337-3391. The bus will leave at one o'clock from the north side of the elementary. The schedule allows for one meal stop on the way to Timber Lake and a short stop on the way home. Thank You!
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Dear Platte-Geddes Elementary Parents and Staff Members, We would like to cordially invite you to attend our National Distinguished School "Red Carpet" Celebration Event scheduled for Friday, November 5 @ 8:15 am. Elementary students should arrive for school at their normal time, be dropped off at the elementary playground (or for breakfast), and they will line up for school as usual with their classmates. They will enter the gymnasium for the program with their respective teachers beginning at 8:15 am. Each student's name will be read aloud. Each staff member's name will be read aloud. The Platte-Geddes High School Band will play. The Platte-Geddes High School Cheer Team will cheer. The Platte-Geddes Elementary Student Council members have a special presentation planned. And special guest, South Dakota Secretary of Education, Tiffany Sanderson, will be here to offer her congratulations to our school on this prestigious award. The event will be attended by our high school and junior high students. Immediately following our event, there will be a high school pep rally. Please plan to join us for a morning of celebration and fun! This event is open to the public. Guests will be asked to please enter the gymnasium through our main west entrance and park in one of our back lots. The seats on the floor will be reserved for our elementary student honorees. Parents and guests may sit in the bleacher section. In Education, Jennifer Jennifer Knecht Elementary Principal/SPED Director Platte-Geddes School District
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
The Platte-Geddes School staff will be sponsoring a Walking Taco Fundraiser at the Region Volleyball matches on Tuesday, Nov 2. Serving will begin at 5:30 till gone. It will be free-will offering with all proceeds going to the Gunderson children. There will also be bake sale items available.
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Today is Winter Weather Preparedness Day in South Dakota. We want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that children will be expected to wear a coat, hat, gloves, and appropriate winter gear when the weather is cold. We ask that they wear snow boots, different from shoes worn in the school building, to assist our custodians in keeping our school facilities clean. (when the snow falls.....) If you need assistance with any of the winter weather gear listed above, please contact Kristen Konechne or me at the school and we will make sure your child has the needed items. We also have coats, hats, and gloves in the office that we loan to students who forget their gear. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Link to Platte-Geddes School Board Special Board Meeting: Joel Bailey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Platte-Geddes School District Special Board Meeting Time: Oct 27, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://sdk12.zoom.us/j/95251805040?pwd=OGxrS3ZoTTF3KzQwK2JyQm8veGRKQT09 Meeting ID: 952 5180 5040 Passcode: 763921
about 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Pizza Party
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
pizza party
pizza party
pizza party
PIZZA Party photos......
about 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich