5th science paper bridges......
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
nelson 5
5th Nelson 6
5th Nelson
Mrs. Nelson's 5th grade science classes are working on engineering a paper bridge.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Nelson 2
Nelson 3
Nelson 4
On October 6th, All-State Chorus Delegates and Alternates attended a workshop at USD. This workshop helped to prepare them for the All-State event at the end of this month which will be broadcast on SDPB. The practice started at 8:15 a.m. and the students got to work with all the vocal instructors from USD's Department of Music. Students from various schools throughout the state attended and worked as a large group as well as small group sectionals. Students ended their day at 3:00 p.m. with a rehearsal of all the songs.
over 3 years ago, Mike Neugebauer
All-State Chorus
The Platte-Geddes Schol Board will be holding another special board meeting on Wednesday, October 6 at 7 pm in the high school library. The meeting is a continuation of the previous special meetings as the board progresses through the workshopping process after reviewing the facilities assessment that was completed by Site Logiq. Nothing related to the COVID-19 pandemic or masks will be addressed at this meeting. The Zoom link to the meeting is below. Join Zoom Meeting https://sdk12.zoom.us/j/97175791700?pwd=R1J5Y2cxNkZkK2Q0c21zdG1wZ0VrQT09 Meeting ID: 971 7579 1700 Passcode: 200471
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Good Morning Platte-Geddes Elementary Staff and Parents, Yesterday, I received a WONDERFUL phone call from the South Dakota Department of Education. They informed me that Platte-Geddes Elementary School has been named a NATIONAL ESEA DISTINGUISHED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL for South Dakota. We were selected as a DISTINGUISHED School for our "Exceptional Student Performance". I told Shannon Malone from the SD Department of Education that they had made the right choice and indeed, "Platte-Geddes Elementary IS a Distinguished Elementary School"!! This award confirms that we are among the top elementary schools in the entire nation. We announced the award to all students and staff members over the intercom and went to each classroom to congratulate the students and the teachers, paraprofessionals, and all staff members on their great work in earning this well-deserved award for our school. As an elementary school, this recognition confirms that our students are being taught and learning the important grade level skills we present to them. We know that we continuously set high academic expectations for our kiddos; and this award is proof that they continue to rise to these high standards we set for them. As a staff at Platte-Geddes Elementary, this has been a goal for our school. We talk about our desire to be named a "National Distinguished School" or a "South Dakota Blue Ribbon School District". And now we have achieved the goal. We always knew we were among the BEST and now we have confirmation of that success. We will receive a banner to hang in our school that states, "Platte-Geddes Elementary School is a Distinguished Elementary School". This award and our student success would not be possible without the support, encouragement, and cooperation of all of YOU as parents. You send us outstanding kids that we have the pleasure of working with each day. Thank you to all of you as parents for the homework you assist with, for reading to your kiddos, and for having them ready for school each day. The award should be celebrated by EVERYONE including our students, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, and support staff! CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE on a well-deserved recognition in being named a "National Distinguished Elementary School in South Dakota!" Educationally Yours, Jennifer Jennifer Knecht Elementary Principal/SPED Director Platte-Geddes School District
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Topic: Platte-Geddes School District Special School Board Meeting Time: Sep 27, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://sdk12.zoom.us/j/93909599381?pwd=TjE0QkVKdWVKWWtYbGgzc1pBUTkxUT09 Meeting ID: 939 0959 9381 Passcode: 138271
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
American Rescue Plan Parent/Stakeholder Survey Link: https://www.platte-geddes.k12.sd.us/article/545604
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Congratulations to Tyson Mushitz for getting the Good News Call on this Monday morning! Tyson Mushitz was nominated for the Good News Call by our custodian, Dwight Bok. Dwight was busy picking up paper towels off the floor of the bathroom, when he noticed a student had gotten down to help him. Tyson had noticed that Dwight could use a hand and took it upon himself to get down and assist him with the clean-up. Tyson, thank you for noticing that someone needed help and for being a “happy helper” here at school. You are a great example of kindness, thoughtfulness, and helping others.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
My "Magnificent Manners" example this morning is actually in the form of a Good News Call. That’s right, we have a Good News Call going out to Bryce Kahler. Bryce was nominated for the GNC by our cooks. Our cooks have noticed that Bryce tells them "Thank You" for making lunch for them every single day. He always says "Please and Thank You" to them in the lunch line and he is always so KIND to them and THANKFUL for them. Thank you, Bryce, for noticing the great meals the cooks serve us each day and for always thanking them for their hard work! Thank you for being a wonderful model of our September "Shout Out".....Magnificent Manners!!
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Today’s Good News Call goes out to Lexington Spoelstra. Lexi has been a wonderful student helper for one of her classmates. She assists him in dumping his lunch tray, getting his recess items, and heading outside to recess. Each day, Lexi is observed being a student leader and assisting her classmate. Thank you, Lexi, for being a wonderful student helper and for taking time to care about your classmates. Lexi was nominated for the “Good News Call” by Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Frandsen, Mrs. Brumbaugh, and Mrs. Knecht.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Today’s Good News Call goes out to Kaylee Gallagher. Kaylee has been a wonderful Big Sister to her Kindergarten sister, Gracelyn. Gracelyn has been in a wheelchair due to an infection and Kaylee very patiently gives up countless recesses to push her sister around in the wheelchair to keep her entertained during recess time. She takes care of her little sister and makes sure she is in her classroom each morning and after each recess. She takes her role as Big Sister very seriously and treats her sister with kindness and concern. Thank you Kaylee for showing LOVE and KINDNESS to your sister. Kaylee was nominated for the Good News Call by her teacher, Mrs. Sandy DuFrain.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
If your child is interested in trying out for Elementary Honors Choir the form and the $5 fee are due to Mrs. Kirwan by this Friday. Any 4th-6th grade student who would like to audition may fill out the form, pay the fee, and audition for a part. Please email or call Halie Kirwan @ halie.kirwan@k12.sd.us if you have any questions. Thank you! ~Halie Kirwan
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
All students that drive to school and staff members are asked to park in the north or northwest elementary parking lots tomorrow and Wednesday. AsTech Paving will be chip&Sealing around both school buildings and need all vehicles off the streets. Thank You, JB
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Junior High/Junior Varsity football will begin at approximately 4:45 today in Kimball. It will be a jamboree style (30 minutes games) with PG playing Corsica/Stickney first and then Kimball-White Lake.
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
Good Evening, The chip & seal crew has had a change in plans and will be traveling to Platte tomorrow morning. Students and staff do not need to park in the elementary parking lots. Thank You, JB
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
"See the Good".....Platte Geddes Elementary Teachers on TWIN Day. What a wonderful challenge to all of us....."See the Good" in everyone and in everything. And, a few of our teachers dressed as Panther Fans and TWINNED with kiddos who wanted a TWIN. And, The Johnson's as Garfield.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
See the Good
C and M Johnson
The Platte-Geddes School District is asking all students and staff to park in the north and northwest parking lots at the elementary on Monday morning. The city will be chip and sealing the streets around the school building. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! Thank You, JB
over 3 years ago, Joel Bailey
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
Two kids we always get mixed up and now they ARE TWINS!! Brothers as TWINS!! And more twins......
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
TWINS, Actual TWINS, Triplets, and quintuplets.....
over 3 years ago, Amanda Goodrich
actual twins